Visite: 1601
The italian association collecting more than 100 members, from tour operators to cooperatives, Ngos and institutions, publishers, private companies. AITR’s aim is to promote, help define, raise awareness, updates and safeguards the cultural paradigms and the subsequent practical actions connected to “responsible tourism.”. It has its own ethical documents and is connected to main organisations on a wide scale on the subject definition.
Visite: 1620
The first European network about sustainable tourism, as a partnership for development. The 25 members are Spanish, French, Belgian, Italian, Germans. Their mission is to make the subject more visible toward EU Institutions and local communities.
Visite: 1547
It is composed of 35 active members, who market and / or relay an offer of travel "closer to the world and its inhabitants" but also associate members which support fair & inclusive tourism. It’s aim is to support the development of concepts and products of fair & inclusive tourism since their definition to their marketing and ratings.
Visite: 1636
The main global research center and postgraduate teaching on responsible tourism. Based at Leeds University with seven core staff and eighteen associates, from research, to marketing, to companies evaluation. It has a network in eight countries, governments, hotels and tour operators, a Center for cultural change and of excellence for tourism. Icrt aim is to be a critical friend, raising issues but working together to find solutions, to encourage and enable people to take responsibility for making the changes necessary to make tourism more sustainable.
Visite: 1579
The Italian Institute for the environmental certification support ethical products and prodution processes, has certified 13.000 companies, it valuates CSR, and it is the italian certification body of international tourism certification institutes.
ICEA promotes Sustainable Tourism, signifying that kind of tourism which:
a) protects, restores and safeguards the natural and cultural heritage;
b) respects the specific characteristics, environmental diversity, architectural consistency, cultural and social resources and relevant economic development.
ICEA’s Sustainable Tourism sector develops along three lines:
Certification of “Bio Holiday Farms”, of "Bio Hotels", of "Non Hotels" accomodations.
All in compliance with the ICEA standard of Eco-Bio Tourism
The certification of environment-friendly touristic structures falls within a wider and more ambitious project aiming at restoring the Italian rural patrimony with a view to promoting sustainable tourism, within the ICEA standard.
For more details go to: www.eco-turismo.it
Visite: 1615
TourCert is a labelling organization, it´s aim is to further CSR in tourism. It has been founded by four partners, it is based on a certification council of nine independent experts every two years. It keeps register of CSR-certified enterprises, focuses is on tour operators. 54 companies have been certified. The Council decides on the framework for CSR certification, evaluates experiences, continues to develop the CSR certification guidelines, controls the certifying organisation TourCert and decides on the admission of auditors and on the label “CSR-certified“ to be issued. Certification guidelines define the standard.
Tourcert “CSR Tourism Certified” label goes to enterprises who: have examined their business practices accor¬ding to sustainability criteria. They have applied and evaluated quantitative and qua¬litative environmental and social criteria. They have established CSR within their companies on a permanent basis and have appointed a CSR manager. They have written a sustainability report and have created a programme for improvement. Companies awarded with this label have committed to continuously improve their sustainability performance.
c/o KATE-Stuttgart
+49 (0)711 / 24 83 97-0
Visite: 1564
The Convention on Biological Diversity has 3 main objectives: conservation, sustainable fair and equitable sharing of the benefits, use of the components of biological diversity.
The Secretariat’s tourism activities provide bridges and links between various thematic programmes to ultimately facilitate the implementation of the Convention.
The Brochure on Tourism is most useful.
CBD developed a Gender Plan of Action in 2008 that defines the Secretariat’s role in stimulating and facilitating efforts on national, regional, and global levels to promote gender equality and mainstream a gender perspective. The importance of biodiversity to individuals varies according to gender. Based upon the social roles of and power relations between men and women, gender is shaped by culture, social relations, and natural environments. For this reason, we need to incorporate gender dimensions into our understanding of biodiversity and its conservation, sustainable use and the sharing of benefits.
Visite: 1555
Blog founded by Lucy Ferguson, based on a Workshop with 16 experts from UK Universities.
The aim of the site is to provide a space to continue and develop those initial debates and to build a global network of academics, policy-makers and practitioners.
One of the few sites where to find a complete coverage of tourism and inequalities, development and strategies.
Visite: 1612
An Austrian agency focusing on responsible tourism. They organise networking events, trainings and workshops and offer a wide range of PR services geared to raise awareness in the important source markets Germany, Austria and Switzerland. With their German language consumer website and extensive contacts to opinion leaders and multiplicators in media and travel they serve as a focal point when it comes to find out what is going on in the world of responsible tourism. respontour will translate brochures and websites into German, supply press releases to the key editorial offices and place responsible tourism stories on the most important web channels and in relevant magazines and newspapers. They will help define suitable target groups, seek out the perfect participants for a press trip or familiarisation tour, connect suppliers to hand picked business partners and offer support at trade shows, exhibitions and conference presentations.
Visite: 1472
The association, of 149 members based in Friburg, promotes gentle, sustainability-based tourism that is ecologically maintainable, economically feasible, and ethically and socially balanced. Its members have committed to a comprehensive catalogue of criteria, which is monitored for compliance through a CSR process. On this website they are listed about CSR, at the page: Education, article: One example of CSR.
Visite: 1518
Nature Friends International is an Austrian nature lovers association born in 1895, now numbering thousands of members in more than 50 partners associations, and developed in a movement aiming at connecting people to preserve the natural environment, at introducing them to biodiversity, putting in train intercultural projects and encounters, lobbying and educational activities, environment and climate protection, socially, culturally and ecologically benign development of tourism. It promotes seven large projects and campaigns such as “The landscape of the year”, “Natura trails”, “Friends of nature Houses”, green mobility, human rights, Corporate Social Responsibility. It is part of Earth network. It is participating with the member Respect to the assessment of a certification Tourcert. Respect is the partner of the sub-division specialised for sustainable tourism development, public relations and educational activities.
Visite: 1517
The arbeitskreis tourismus & entwicklung (akte – Working Group on Tourism and Development) is a non-profit organisation concerned with the social, cultural, economic and ecological impacts of tourism on development. It aims to raise public awareness, advocates fair trade in tourism in a critical dialogue with the travel industry, and encourages travellers to be informed consumers.
akte was founded in 1977 by a number of Swiss development organisations, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and committed tourism operators. Today, the main source of support for the Workings Group’s activities are the 130 members of the association, among them several development organisations and – with a special membership status – also travel agencies, the SDC and the State Secretariate of Economy (SECO), as well as various foundations.
At the akte-office in Basel 5 permanent staff members are working on a part time basis, supplied by additional experts and 1-3 regular trainees (students from the University of Basel).
Fair Trade Tourism is one of their main interests. Within the framework of the program “Fair Trade on Holiday” akte is examining critically the opportunities and challenges of the concept of fair trade in the complex service sector tourism.
akte has launched the web-portal www.fairunterwegs.org for travellers with the aim to increase the demand for fairly traded tourism services. Currently well over a 1'000 users are visiting daily this unique non-profit travel portal.
Visite: 1461
Association of more than 40 welcoming structures in Italy.
An Albergo Diffuso is partly a house and partly a hotel, dedicated to those people who do not like hotel stays; in short, this is a new form of hospitality that takes the name of “Albergo Diffuso” . Its main components are distributed in different buildings, all located in the same village/town. The term “diffuso” (diffuse) denotes a structure that is horizontal, and not vertical like the one pertaining to traditional hotels, which often do not constitute a pleasant sight, reminding us of blocks of flats. ADs satisfy the tourists’ demand of stays in renowned and famous areas and towns, of contact with residents and local people rather than only with other tourists, and of the traditional comforts offered in hotels, such as room service or a restaurant. The Association Mission is to promote and to foster the development of ADs in Italy, protecting their image and reputation in the eyes of public institutions, the press, intermediaries and the tourists' demand, training, publishing an official guide.
Visite: 1495
It is the largest European travel group (with three business sectors TUI Travel, TUI Hotels & Resorts and Cruises form the World of TUI), but it is also the most involved in sustainability. All the issues about this aspect are at the page http://www.tui-group.com/en/sustainability/sust_management.
TUI Travel has established sustainability management along its new corporate structure. A Sustainable Development department manages and coordinates the design and implementation of objectives for the tourism companies. Each TUI Travel PLC sector has a Sustainable Development Coordinator. These Sector Coordinators form a team representing all sectors of TUI Travel PLC. TUI AG’s Group Environmental Management/Sustainable Development has an advisory function.
The women quota is also considered: now 39 percent of the managerial staff in TUI companies are women, whereby the overall number of female employees makes up 70 percent of the workforce.
TUI offers a climate compensation for trips in cooperation with its partner myclimate (http://www.myclimate.org ). One project they support with this, is about energy efficient cook stoves for rural communities in the Siaya County in Nyanza Province, Western Kenya. Households in the project area use a traditional three-stone fireplace for cooking and thereby burn large amounts of fuel wood in a very inefficient way, which has a decisive impact on deforestation in the region. As mostly women are in charge of cooking, this project especially supports women. More information on: http://www.myclimate.org/en/carbon-offset-projects/international-projects/detail/mycproject/169/95.html
- They certify hotels according to the Travellife standards (/www.travelife.org). This also includes non-discrimination. This aspect is separately mentioned in the appendant of each contracts with hoteliers.
- Airtours, a TUI brand, supports a projekt called "Growing the Future II" in South Africa in cooperation with Futouris. It gives eight women the chance to have a training in sustainable farming. Please finde more information on: http://www.futouris.org/de/soziokulturelle-verantwortung/2010/nepal1000.html
- In Sri Lanka TUI offers one tour that also includes a visit to a market where products are sold that are produced by women in a special project.
Visite: 1427
Sustainable Travel International (STI) is a global leader in sustainable tourism development. The non-profit organization’s mission is to promote sustainable development through responsible travel by providing programs that help travelers, businesses and destinations protect the environment, preserve cultural heritage and promote economic development.
As Robert Chappell, Director of Standards Development, told us: .
STI also provides STEP -the global standard for sustainable travel and tourism- applicants with a Planning & Reporting Guidebook, policy templates and support services to help prepare for certification.
Latest news: Sustainable Travel International (STI) is pleased to announce that its STEP eco-certification standard has been officially recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.
Visite: 1451
Futouris is a non-profit association, consisting of 13 international companies from the tourism industry, operating under the aegis of DRV, the German Travel Association.
The members are actively committed to develop responsible tourism related new projects, from the areas of social responsibility, environmental and climate protection and economic independence. The members develop new project ideas in collaboration with a worldwide network of specialists and local organisations. And, as project sponsors, they also contribute to the implementation of these ideas into practical measures. In many cases, the projects are also supported by donations. One Executive Board and a Management Board also work, to find projects particularly worthy of support.
Areas are: sociocultural, economical, environmental.
The objective of Futouris projects are: responsibility preservation, strengthening of regional cultural identity, to protect regional cultural differences, intercultural understanding and exchange, creating and securing quality of life, to achieve economic independence, improvement of the environmental conditions through infrastructure optimisation measures – energy, water, waste, transport – and biological diversity.
All evaluated through 21 general, sociocultural, economic, ecological indicators.
Futouris also introduced a new accreditation in the theme of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Visite: 1508
ITALY SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL - ITALIEN ÖKO REISEN (www.italysustainabletravel.com - www.italienoekoreisen.com) is an innovative platform, with its supporting map, web site, blog and social networking, that aims to introduce you to the Italian sustainable and ecological initiatives, helping you to rediscover some of Italy's old traditions and forgotten values.
Italians are famous for putting quality of life and wellbeing at the heart of their existence through food, craft and the arts, and for this reason we wish to give them a voice within a space that is entirely dedicated to telling their stories, sharing their knowledge and sense of purpose, for you to support, encourage and discover personally through our dedicated database.
We have selected, and will continue to showcase, some of the most exciting sustainable and eco-friendly projects - impeccably Italian in their origin but with a global reach - to mirror an ideal reality that relies on ancient wisdom and local curiosities, set in a modern context of web information that is easy to explore.
Thanks to our extensive mapping system, on this site you will be able to create your own itinerary through Sustainable Italy, to suit your interests and personal voyage, while our blog and social networking will give you an opportunity to ask us further questions or simply tell us about your own experience, and be kept continuously updated and informed.
Have a wonderful journey!
Visite: 1661
Tourism Concern is a UK-based independent NGO campaigning against exploitation in the global tourism industry and working to promote more equitable, fairly traded forms of tourism. They lobby governments and industry to make tourism more responsible and collaborate with tourism bodies to develop sustainable solutions. They raise awareness amongst holidaymakers of how they can maximise the positive impacts of their holiday. They support local organisations in tourism destinations all over the world in their efforts to oppose unsustainable tourism developments which threaten their human rights. And also work to promote more inclusive, community based alternatives, including through our Ethical Travel Guide (http://www.tourismconcern.org.uk/index.php?page=ethical-travel-guide-2). Their lead campaigns are Water Equity in Tourism, which challenges the violation of water rights by the tourism industry; Putting Tourism to Rights, which is demanding a human rights-centred approach to tourism development; Tsunami of Tourism, which is supporting coastal fishing communities in Southern India to defend their land and livelihood rights from tourism land grabs; and Gaps in Development, which entails the forthcoming launch of a code of conduct for international volunteer sending organisations, to ensure their projects have a meaningful, sustainable impact and value for host communities, and that volunteers are selected appropriately and receive adequate levels of support.
Visite: 544
In Covid Times, this is a useful tool for travelers,