What we do
What is the website?
http://www.g-r-t.org/ is the voice of the GRT Gender Responsible Tourism Association.
Through the initiative of the website, our main goal is to bring about an emergence of activities run by women in responsible tourism.
The website is a registered online magazine, one of a kind, created by communication professionals, linked to UNWTO-UNWomen, ILO (Italian Labour Organization), professional gender associations of Lombardy, Equality in Tourism, Italian Association of Responsible Tourism.
We are aimed at
Those who travel
Those who work in responsible tourism
We offer
We made the first Map of a world were women are tourism entreprenerus
We are planning to make a Label of women products
In the first months, 2000 newsletters were sent out, 27000 pages were read with an average reading time of 3 minutes.
The circulation is spread via the website, social networks, blogs, newspaper articles and international website partners.
We published a Guide of Free Women Travellers about travels visiting women for women, that was sold out in a few days
GRT offers spaces on the website for those who would like to reach the attention of responsible tourists, for those who have projects, locations, products, destinations whereby with a trip, the main beneficiaries are women.
Single destinations, itineraries, specialties, tour operators are published in showcases, highlights, maps, stories and dossiers.
For those who would like to know more on tourism with women as the protagonists, we offer a voice through the Network.
On the site, one can refer to the criteria for guidance on how to work in gender tourism, for the formation, for marketing and projects, for students in this field, for links, for information on associations and organizations worldwide which empower and support women at work, with knowledge and concrete action.
Experts from GRT and their partners ( professors, certifiers, responsible tourism tour operators, researchers ) offer guidance to institutions, associations, non-governmental organizations, businesses, individuals, chambers of commerce, tour operators, ‘agriturismi’ (farm stays), hotels and guides on how to manage different initiatives, on how to expand a project, a business or a place, on how to apply strategies which empower the role of women, on how to create a synergy by combining the feminine arts, on how to certify gender ethics, on how to promote themselves through events, videos, brochures, itineraries, prizes, trips and e-books.