
What does one recommend to women and to those who work with them, in the multitude of activities in responsible tourism, to start, to improve both ethically and economically?
GRT put forth this question to professors, NGOs, associations of artisans and of agriculturalists as well as researchers in this field. Questions on gender, experts in vocational training, in tourism planning, in cooperation and development were also asked.
This has henceforth led to the creation of a ‘manual’, divided into key points. And from this, a Network was born for those who offer guidance, for those who want to learn and to always better oneself. We invite you all to subscribe to the Forum, sending us the latest news, updates, information, experiences, guidelines and reading material.

  • To Study

    To Study

    There are those who would love to open a B&B, those who would like to know how to orientate themselves in their studies. Numerous ideas can be found in books. We have gathered together a list of Italian titles and are in the process of receiving titles in other languages as well. But the most important thing for students to know, from teachers, is the best way to prepare oneself.

    >> What to read 
    >> What recommendations the trainers offer

  • To Work

    To Work

    The laws in each country are different and the activities relating to tourism are infinite. But, there are many points that are the same for all. Here are the ‘golden rules’ based on experiences of those who have made it, based on psychology, and practical advice on how to approach this market making the most of one’s best qualities.

    >> The first step  
     Making use of marketing  
    >> The ABC of hospitality  
     How to communicate>

  • To plan Projects

    To plan Projects

    NGOs projects that construct a well, hotels that recycle, communities that sell handcrafts, are all sustainable if they adhere to guidelines, from years of experience.
    Than, a project in tourism is a step ahead. We have gathered stories from development projects managers, in several areas and in tourism: see how they have obtained pleasing results, all thanks to the involvement of women.

    >> Successful projects
    >> Responsible tourism projects

  • Gender Issues

    Gender Issues

    According to Wikigender, gender equality is described as ‘ the absence of obvious or hidden disparities among individuals based on gender. Disparities can include opportunities, resources, services, benefits, decision-making power and influence.’ In tourism, women involved make up more than half the numbers. They are more proficient however they are often paid less, are segregated, or relegated to lesser roles and have no means of obtaining vocational training or credit. Let’s continue to follow this global debate.

    >> Information 


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What women must know to work in tourism
How responsible tourism is usefull to women and community
Where to go for a gender equality backer travel