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The magazine One Planet Journey, created to delve into the unique and inspiring content of a thousand journeys, just dedicated a long article to g-r-t, to women in responsible tourism, women's travel and all tourism that brings readers closer to the heart of communities.
As in all the stories published by these inspiring and enriching pages, you will find reflections and examples.
Among them, there are some of the destinations that GRT has discovered and recounted on our website and in the Independent Women Travellers' Guides.
In fact, Valentina Pucciano has chosen six different continents and Countries to represent the millions of women in tourism, among those told by Iaia Pedemonte.
Go to One Planet Journey and Valentina will take you to:

Magalie Segouine and her feminist tours in Paris.

Selma Makdam and her maison d’hotes Housh Selma in Tataouine, Tunisia.

Argentinian women as Bettina Gonzales @boomerangviajes La Vivera, the guide Elisabeth Cuenca @broteli.tours, Leticia Garziglia @femitour.bsas in Buenos Aires.

Trekking in Umbria with Marta Signi and her donkeys.

All women of rural projects with @MadhyaPradeshTourism in India.

Maasai Women Art of @istitutoOikosOnlus in Tanzania.

CBI CBT @Travelife for Tour Operators in Kazakstan.

The migrant women guides of @Migrantour with Coop Casba in Naples, Italy.

 Picking Lavanda with La Lavanda di Arnico, in Val d’Aveto, Liguria, Italy.

As Valentina says, here you can discover the many benefits of empowering women in tourism:

Economic Growth: Increased female employment boosts local economies.

Gender Equality: Promotes fair pay and opportunities for women.

Sustainable Tourism: Women-led initiatives often prioritise sustainability.

Community Development: Empowers local communities through education and leadership.

Inspiration & Role Models: Encourages more women to explore solo travel and leadership roles.



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Tags: women entrepreneurs in tourism , SUSTAINABLE TOURISM, One Planet Journey , wometravelers, travel magazine

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