Analysing the Gender Dimensions of Tourism as a Development Strategy
Lucy Ferguson's studies are among the first and the richest, focused on our subjects.
She -member of our Forum- is a researcher and consultant in tourism, gender equality and women's empowerment, Research fellow at Sheffield University, and author of the blog
This is the summary of her paper on Analysing the Gender Dimensions of Tourism as a Development Strategy.
La frase chiave in italiano: la conclusione della ricerca è che il rafforzamento economico, come esperienza di molte donne nelle comunità in cui il turismo si sta sviluppando, non tende a trasformarsi in significativo ritorno nei rapporti di potere, nonostante un relativo miglioramento nelle condizioni economiche. Si suggerisce: alle società operanti nel turismo di capire meglio come il genere è implicato nell’uso delle risorse macroeconomiche, quindi più formazione e promozione. Ai politici di mettere in agenda modi più creativi di agevolare il turismo. Ai decisori e strateghi di considerare in modo più ampio gli studi di genere.
For several decades, the relationship between tourism and development has been explored
in the discipline of tourism studies and in policy-making circles. However, very little research
has been carried out into the gender dimensions of this relationship. This paper is
a first attempt to unpack some of the issues involved in such an undertaking, and to provide
an overview of some of the key empirical areas that need to be taken into account for
further research. Using the third Millennium Development Goal – gender equality and
women’s empowerment – as its focus, this paper explores this theme from a critical perspective
informed by feminist approaches to development. Combining literature reviews,
analysis of policy documents and primary research this paper aims to provide an overview
of the potential of tourism to contribute to the gender equality and women’s empowerment,
and the tensions and complexities that this presents. It concludes by offering some
tentative policy recommendations and an agenda for future research.
Conclusions and Recommendations.
This paper has taken a critical approach to the
relationship between tourism and MDG3. By
exploring both implicit and explicit gendered
assumptions embedded in tourism development
policy, the paper has highlighted some of
the tensions and complexities of this issue. A
key criticism of current policy is that very limited
notions of women’s empowerment – that
is, economic empowerment - are used to justify
and legitimise these policies. As Chant
(2006: 101) argues, access to material resources
is ‘unlikely to have a significant impact
on women’s empowerment without changes in
other social, cultural, and legal structures of
gender inequality’. There is no necessary correlation
between an increase in resources and
the redress of power relations (Kabeer 1999).
As such, it can be concluded from the research
that economic empowerment as experienced
by many women in tourism development
communities does not tend to translate into
meaningful a redress of power relations beyond
a relative improvement in economic
conditions. That is, empowerment through
the market remains empowerment in the market,
to the exclusion of more wide-reaching
societal change. Although tourism development
may reconstitute gendered power relations
in narrow economic (or market) terms,
in reality the broader power structures of inequality
across society remain profoundly gender-
biased, a pattern which is in many ways
not only reinforced but also fuelled by processes
of tourism development.
However, such a critical perspective is not
necessarily the most fruitful way of opening
channels of debate and exchange with policymakers
and development practitioners. In an
attempt to do this in a constructive manner, I
offer some tentative guidelines or recommendations
for channelling the potential benefits
of tourism more effectively towards achieving
MDG3. First, the promotion of tourism as a
macroeconomic development strategy for
poorer countries could be carried out with a
more explicit understanding of the gendered
implications of this policy. Extensive research
exists into the unequal ways in which tourism
work is structured. As such, tourism companies
should be held to account for their gender
policies (whether explicit or implicit) in order
to provide more opportunities for promotion
and training for women workers and to redress
the historical imbalances in tourism work.
Second, there could be a more open debate in
tourism policy circles about the politics of
women’s empowerment and gender equality.
This would allow gender and tourism policy to
move beyond narrow, market-based conceptualisations
and to present more creative and
innovative ways of achieving MDG3. Third,
policy-makers could pay more attention to
feminist analyses of tourism development. We
need to move beyond generalised statements
about the contribution of tourism to MDG3
and begin to explore the practical ways in
which this relationship can be operationalised.
This would require the involvement of feminist
academics and practitioners at all stages of
the tourism policy process – including implementation
– to ensure that such policies retain
a political commitment to broad notions of
gender equality and women’s empowerment.
As demonstrated in this paper, research into
the nexus between tourism and MDG3 is currently
limited. The guidelines above are tentative
precisely because of the lack of detailed,
analytical research in this area. This would
benefit from further research in a number of
priority areas: the outcomes of World Bank
gender and tourism projects; gender and tourism
policy in bilateral and regional funding
agencies; and UNWTO’s emerging gender
agenda. Also, more research into grassroots
feminist tourism projects across the world -
such as the Zona Franja tourism and women’s
empowerment project in Nicaragua - would
offer alternative ways of understanding gender
and tourism, and provide inspiration for creative
and progressive ways of harnessing tourism
to contribute to gender equality and the
empowerment of women.